Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hai OgOs, Hai PraKtiKaL


Indahnya cincin letak dijari, tandanya hati sudah dimiliki. Haa, gitew comeback punya intro aku kemain kan. Biasalah musim-musim nak raya ni semua nak bertukar, baju, langsir, sofasogood semua, so status pun kalau boleh nak bertukar la jugak kan. Tu yang tak best kalau nak cerita awal-awal bukan apa, orang kata kalau bertunang atau merisik tu diam-diam jela dulu. Dah kahwin nanti barulah diheboh-hebohkan. Jangan risau, jangan khuatir, lepas raya InsyaAllah. Raya tahun bila tu tak tahulah.

So first and foremost, kepada hadirin dan hadirat yang sudi singgah ke minipage saya ini sekian terima kasih daun keladi you ols the bestest supporters ever! Tu yang sampai siap almost 3 cerpens within my previous 3 weeks school holiday tu. Lepas geram sungguh. And today, welcome to da government, the sector which I used to anti the most even sekarang pun masih jugak. Well, it depends on how they treat me with those saman parkings. Demm.

Masya-Allah ayat aku apa dah jadi ni? Itulah aku terasa sayu tibe-tibe. You know what, I got the biggest hikmah in this Ramadhon. Which I conclude, SABAR is the best position to put yourself in any situations. We try our best, but let He do the rest. He knows far better than our expectation. But believe me, try as hard as you can. Dia hanya mahu melihat kita berusaha. Tunjukka effort. Thats all. Seriously.

Oh, berbalik kepada government sector tadi kan. Well my practical or you guys might call it internship hew whatever, has started. You know, how hard I fight for the exception to do my practical in Tampin my beloved hometown? You can say Daddy is the happiest person to heard about that. Since he knows that I will be at home everyday. No need to think about where to stay? How to go? How much should I spend for food? No traffic jam. No tol. 15 ringgit alowence per day (nama pun government ok la tuu). 50 ringgit duit minyak per week. 20 minutes by car. Get public holiday on weekend. Office hour 8 to 5. Got cuti raya, cuti merdeka, cuti hari Malaysia, cuti raya haji. Wah tiba-tiba jatuh cinta pada government.

So, starting tomorrow I will go to PPD which stands for Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah selepas menolak tawaran RTM, TV Al-hijrah, MAIS dan juga Majlis Daerah Tampin (yang tak ada elaun tu). Anyway, it was a pleasure to met you Ku. Oh, she’s a chinese. Bukan Tengku ok. We both love yamashita tomohisa. And dia layan hindustan juga jangan tak percaya. First day dekat MDT tadi, boleh la. Boring tapi fun sebab ada Ku. Mujur PPD call asking for my confirmation. Kalau tak surely aku akan stay dekat MDT tu without notice that I got acepted to PPD. Marzuwan Razali, thank you for all your effort and support. Kau memang klasmet terbaik!

So begitulah serba sedikit tentang I setelah menyepikan diri sekian lama. Masa birthday hari tu, sorang pun I tak call pakai credit free. Minta maaflah banyak-banyak. I’m not as talkative as you think. Kalau call pun setelah dipaksa dan diperli dan disindir. Tergamak kau BFF. Apapun, you ols sentiasa dikalbu. Only you... (lagu 2pm apa yang start begitu?) Haaa, gugel lepas tu silalah sambung sendiri okei.

Dan kepada kawan sehidup semati. Ya kamu. Kamu yang sedang membaca itu. Rasanya kita takkan berjumpa dan berjimba dalam tempoh masa terdekat ini. You ols study baik-baik dekat sana. After 3 bulan I buat comeback stage ok. Sexy, Free, Single. Siapa tak kenal Super Junior pun sila gugel sekarang. Tapi raya I datang InsyaAllah. Macam biasalah kan darling. Jadi, dengan ini I mengisytiharkan JJCM season finale akan ditunda hingga Disember. Promise me kita tengok fireworks celebrate new years atas menara berkembar nanti ok! Belanja I makan eskrem sekali.

Sekian, wabillahi taufik walhidayah, assalamualaikum wbt.

Yang Benar,

~ gitew ~


Sayidah Nafisah Ruslan said...

uik.. dah jadi pelajar praktikal lah.. :)

Unknown said...

iye dik.. akak dh start keje dah ni~

haajarpuad said...

i nmpk charles n keith kt blakng tu..hew2.. xde mention titew pong..

Unknown said...

HEI hei.. perlu mention name u ke cyg? sendiri mau paham laa..hik3. biase la prktikal kt charles n keith ko hado???

Anonymous said...

Rtm punya elaun bagi berapa eh?

Unknown said...

to anonymous ~ x pasti la dear... tp kerajaan standard rm15 jgk kot..^_^

Unknown said...

admin nk no tanya sal intern..tq

the history
