Friday, December 26, 2014

PeLuaNg KeDua


Two thousand fourteen is so called my 'love' year. Ni dah kenapa kau asyik nak cerita pasal cinta pasal kawen pasal broken-hearted segala? Habis, kata cerita pasal dua ribu pat belas. Dah content dia banyak pasal love habis kau expect aku nak cerita pasal ikan paus, kumbang terbang, ketam berlari-lari di persisiran pantai ke? Dasar perempuan gila suka marah sorang-sorang lepas tu meroyan sorang-sorang. Fine aku straight to the point so aku nak cerita pasal second chance sebab things is getting worse lately. Details? Pm me. Ok bye.

To be honest, I'm considering this guy. Yang dulu pernah hilang tiba-tiba. Adalah dalam sebulan lebih macam tu. Aku pernah cerita kan kan kan? Ok. I'm considering him meaning tengah dok fikir nak bagi second chance yang sebenar ke macamana sebab memang aku pernah unfriend dia, pernah remove dia, pernah block dia but you had no idea when I started give him second chance and how he took every single chance tu aku rasa macam mana ntah nak explain. Seriously, this guy really learned.

Tapi tak perlulah aku cerita everything sebab macam yang aku cakap tadi, aku tengah considering. Not officially cakap dekat dia 'ok, we start over.' or 'lets dating again' or something like that. Lagi-lagi bila the other side mula buat perangai ooohhh, macam ada bau-bau nak dapat red card. Tinggi jugak level sabar aku ni. Hhhmmm...

Well, just nak bagitau, why I give this guy second chance. Orang mungkin akan cakap 'if it didn't work before, it was for good reason.' Macam bila kita buat dosa, lepas tu kita bertaubat, solat taubat banyak-banyak, doa banyak-banyak, dari sudut islamiknya kalau dah banyak-banyak tu maknanya dah taubat nasuha la tu. So kalau dari sudut nak bagi second chance ni, bila dah sehari berpuluh-puluh missed call, berpuluh-puluh mesej, tu nak kata taubat nasuha jugak ke macama? And plus, he never stop. He never get tired. So, that's it. He's genuinely repent. Mudah-mudahanlah...

We learn from relationship that go wrong. Dan kita akan apply these lessons to new relationship. I did. Aku bukan tak pernah cakap 'don't ignore me', 'keep communicate' bla bla bla berbuih mulut bro ulang banyak kali macam cakap dengan budak kecik. That's why, real adults, they listen. Why I give him second chance, sebab dia betul-betul belajar daripada kesilapan dia. I can see. His unstoppable efforts. Bukan dia tak busy dengan kerja dok manage family business dia tu. Ulang-alik hospital jaga orang-orang tua. Establish new branch. Manage his family. Dealing with me yang berkali-kali refuse his request like seriously.... bukan aku demand itu ini. Just because he makes time for me, well, I guess he deserve it.

Ok, look. Dia bukan spesis violent ke apa cuma I have no reason to hate him or to love him. So, I was thinking there may be the possibility of making it work a second time around phew ayat aku. And maybe it sounds dramatic when he said 'I-wont-let-you-happy-without-me' or 'I-don't-want-any-other-girls' or 'Why-you-hurt-me?' seriously ini bukan skrip drama ke apa. And if I were him, memang aku dah lama give up dah. Oh please, previously, there was a reason for me to stay strong. I mean, stay strong to refuse. But lately... I'm not that strong anymore. I'm not sure whether it still there or not. So, when I look back... the words... the efforts that he took... enough to make me give him another chance.

Not saying that we're back to 'in relationship' ke apa. Just because the current one keep giving me hint macam ada tanda-tanda nak bawak haluan masing-masing I mean, kalau dah tak nak tu, bagitahu jelah kan. Bukan aku nak meroyan ke nak bawak senapang bom meriam ke apa. We can sort things out, we can even make it out. But the effort is not there... And for me, kalau dah tak ada effort tu, maknanya taknaklah kan? Kalau dah taknak tu maknanya, faham-fahamlah...

Ok, roger and out. Nangis? What for? For someone who neglects you. Is it worth? Shopping lagi best kot. Dah lah year end sale ni. Hari tu aku beli Primavera discound 70 percent kau tahu berapa banyak aku save? (muka bangga)

Thank you for reading this. Ok bye!


Unknown said...

siapakah??bz body jap..huhu

Unknown said...

Hehehe, ade la kak...

the history
