Ibn Hazm said: “Anyone who criticises you cares about your friendship. Anyone who makes light of your faults cares nothing about you.”
(amaran: entry ini ditulis semalam tapi baru post hari ni. jadi sila jangan fenin. dan entry ini juga sangat panjang. jadi kalau rasa-rasa tak nak buang masa, sila jangan baca ^_^)
Alhamdulillah. Baiti jannati.
Rumahku syurgaku. My home my paradise (direct translate teghoih). Tengok muka
ayah, tengok muka mak, nothing else to say – GEMBIRA. Adala dalam sejam lebih
yang lalu aku sampai. Lepas salam mak ayah, terus terjah dapur cari nasi.
Kalahorangsetahuntakmakan. Lauk masak lomak cili api pulak tu YA ALLAH memang
inilah syurga. Lepas sembahyang asar terus mintak duit dekat ayah nak beli
buttercup. In short, sekarang tengah tunggu kek vanila masak dalam oven.
Mengidam tiba-tiba ^_^ tak tahu kenapa. And of course I’m in the kitchen right
now. Sekian. Dah. Tamat mukadimah.
Tapi, semalam ada cerita best
dengan totally spies. Clover, Alex and Me. Sila pengsan sekarang aku pun tak
tahu kenapa tulis macam ni. Ye, semalam after a looooooong period of time, we finally
hang out together (sungguh kalau boleh aku nak tambah lagi huruf ‘o’ dekat
perkataan ‘long’ tu). And this time around, JUST 3 OF US! Aku tulis capital
letter macam nak cakap jangankacaukawanakuduaekoqni kan? Ye. Kalau ikutkan
hati, begitulah. But...
Persahabatan itu juga bukanlah
sebab kita ingin memilikinya. Tetapi kerana kita inginkan kasih sayangnya tidak
kiralah walau di mana pun dia berada.
I used to be in the dark world. Zaman kegelapan. Maksud aku zaman kegelapan hati, kegelapan akal, kegelapan dalam menilai. Aku jadi macam alat permainan syaitonirrojim. Apa yang aku buat, apa yang aku cakap, apa yang aku tulis, semuanya tak berlandaskan iman dan syariat. Sesat habes. Aku main redah je tanpa pedulikan hati dan perasaan orang.
I used to be in the dark world. Zaman kegelapan. Maksud aku zaman kegelapan hati, kegelapan akal, kegelapan dalam menilai. Aku jadi macam alat permainan syaitonirrojim. Apa yang aku buat, apa yang aku cakap, apa yang aku tulis, semuanya tak berlandaskan iman dan syariat. Sesat habes. Aku main redah je tanpa pedulikan hati dan perasaan orang.
And yes. I am talking about them.
Totally spies tadi (haish apela totally spies tak ada katun yang islamic sikit
ke?). Sebab diorang yang paling rapat dengan aku dekat UiTM ni dari Merbok
sampai Shah Alam, so most of the entries here were talking about them. About having
fun together, facing problems, sharing our thoughts, bad talk about each other,
sindir-sindir, perli-perli, you name it. They were all here in this blogspot.
Kalau rajin carilah. Sebab aku tak pernah padam entry-entry tu semua. And those
will be my bittersweet moments that I will never forget. InsyaAllah.
But, these few semesters, which I
can say that I regret the most. Don’t know where and when it begins. We were
slowy apart from each other. she talked about her. her talk about she. Who said
that I excluded? aku rasa akulah manusia yang paling banyak bunuh kawan aku
sendiri. Kalau boleh nak je aku menjerit kat diri sendiri BODOH-BODOH-BODOH
And hey Hani. Eh silap.
Assalamualaikum Hani. This is me, Ain Nathasha Omar. Your stupid ex-roomate and
your foolish friend (if I can still be considered as a friend).
I was in a great faulty way before. I always do bad assumptions towards you. Talk behind you. I didn’t treat you equally. I didn’t treat you the way I supposed to. Yes. I used to be biassed. I used to hate you as well. I thought that I can understand you the way I understand Haajar. But I was wrong. You both are different. You are different. You’re special on your own way. It’s true that you’re a bit annoying. A bit over. A bit loud. But I am in a BIG regret for covering myself from looking at your good side. Your kindness, your sweetness, your goodness. It's all there. It's all in you.
I was in a great faulty way before. I always do bad assumptions towards you. Talk behind you. I didn’t treat you equally. I didn’t treat you the way I supposed to. Yes. I used to be biassed. I used to hate you as well. I thought that I can understand you the way I understand Haajar. But I was wrong. You both are different. You are different. You’re special on your own way. It’s true that you’re a bit annoying. A bit over. A bit loud. But I am in a BIG regret for covering myself from looking at your good side. Your kindness, your sweetness, your goodness. It's all there. It's all in you.
For me, there’s nothing to make up
actually. We all do mistakes. Yang dah lepas tu biarkanlah. As I said just now, let it be
our bittersweet moments. From now onwards, I just want to be friend with you
because of you. Because that is you. And don’t forget sayang, because Allah
want us to. This is all what I’m dying to say. I can’t say it out loud because
we know each other kan? Masing-masing nak jaga hati masing-masing. Plus
masing-masing nak pegang ego masing-masing. As you said, we’re fergile. Rapuh.
Sensitive. Nodding. Yes we are.
So here, I let my heart talks to
you. Walaupun tak aci korang boleh baca luahan aku tapi aku tak boleh baca
luahan korang but I guess I can be a mind reader. Lepas tu buat assumption
sendiri. Lepas tu misunderstand lagi. Lepas tu gadogado lagi. Lepas tu taching
lagi. Nay. InsyaAllah. Aku doakan semua tu takkan berulang lagi. Because I...
What? We’ve been friend for 5
years seriously?
Aku tak mintak banyak.
Aku cuma nak korang jadi kawan aku sampai bila-bila.
p/s: btw, we still need to talk face to face. and don't simply judge me from this entry ok. iloveusomuch berapa kali nak cakap ni?
yeah.. face to face is much better..
semoga mudah ocha nak selesaikan semua masalah ni.
insya allah, kalau buat sesuatu kerana allah pasti ada baiknya :)
InsyaAllah.. harapnya macam tu la. skrg ni, niat, nawaitu semua kena jaga.. nampak kecik tapi dr ditu la mula segala2nya.. uhibbukum lillahi taala ^_^
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