This is a tag from someone who used to be my roommate, Miss Fay. And here, ur message ;)
“Hi Fay. Rindu kau! Kalau kau baca post aku yang lama-lama dulu, U will know that all the numbers in my sim card have been lost! Nanti ‘missed called’ la, ek. Or leave a voice message tell me that’s your phone num, hee...~ Well, since I’ve read ur latest post, dan kebetulan pulak malam ni agak ‘goyang kaki’ sambil minum ais kachang depan tv, so, here you go, babe. Ok lah. Tu je nak cakap. Till then, take gud care of urself. Bye!”
Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag five people including the person who tagged you. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real..nothing made up! IF the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
What is your name:
Ain Natasha Omar
Ocha ;)
A four letter word:
A boy's name:
(He’s my brother!)
A girl's name:
(And she’s my sister!)
An occupation:
A student ;)
(Ok, serious! An author.)
Something you'll wear:
Anything that I like...hihi.
(I mean, ‘Adidas sport shoes’. Boleh?)
A type of food:
An Ice-Cream!
(Or, aiskrim. ‘A’ jugak, kaan.)
Something found in the bathroom:
A bathtub
(No. Ajax Fabulosso.)
A place:
Africa – Yeah, the south one.
(FIFA world cup! Wohooo...!!!)
A reason for being late:
Am I late?
Something you'd shout:
Allahu Akhbar!
(Shout it loud, everyone! )
Something you drink:
A musical group:
Anita Sarawak.
Eh, silap. Group eh?
Ahli Fikir! Boley?
An animal:
A tiger, a lion, a dinosaur,
And an Alligator.
A type of car:
Avanza, Altis, Accord, Alza,
A type of fruit:
Avocado, Anggur, Asam Jawa. Hihi
I'll tag:
Aishwarya Rai
Adibah Nor
Alba Jessica (Boleh ke?)
Antam sajalaaah... Aku dah penat mengadap benda ni dari tadi. I have to admit, it's quite tough. Tergendala kejap hasrat suci murni nak sembahyang isyak!
Ok, jangan tangguh-tangguh lagi. sampai sini je la dulu ek! Sorry ye Fay. Main-main sket. Any how, thanks 4 the tag. Ciaou...~
Nak tag B, Yana, Alya, Beha, Nurul, Tiara dan... Awak! Ye, awak yang tengah baca tu...~
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